Highlighting our affiliations -- MOC-Alliance and OpenInfra Labs, and beyond
by Karsten Wade
Hey all:
Our project has long-standing affiliations with several organizations, with
Red Hat being the most prominent. We are also an OpenInfra Labs
<https://openinfralabs.org> project and a part of the MOC-Alliance
<https://massopen.cloud/>, but we don't have any content or affiliation
links to those organizations on our website.
This thread is about fixing that problem, and doing it this week for a
timely need I just became aware of. Read on for details.
If you want to participate in the detailed discussion of how and where we
show these affiliations, that is happening in this pull request (PR):
You may leave a comment with your impressions, ideas, questions, concerns,
and so on; doing so requires being logged into a GitHub user account. If
you have any questions about this process and how to do anything, feel free
to email me, or find me on the Operate First Slack
if that is easier for you.
We want to make these changes to reflect our long-standing affiliations,
and I want to make sure you all know about and understand these
affiliations, and have a chance to raise any questions or concerns before
the change goes live.
There is a publication going out Very Soon (Red Hat Research Quarterly)
that will have a reference to Operate First in the context of the
MOC-Alliance. We need to have the visible affiliation live by then. By
visible, the current idea is to have it in the footer of the website on
level with the Red Hat logo.
Here is the process for the next few days to get this live in time:
1. Discuss the addition in the PR #186
raise anything needing wider community input here on this list.
2. Remind this list about the discussion in the pull request as it
progresses and comes to a close.
- This may be a non-controversial addition, but we need to have the
chance to have this discussion and make sure there are no
blockers (-1) to
- As always, if there are blockers, we will work diligently as a
community to resolve them in a timely way.
3. Go live with changes by the end of this week.
- Coincides with incoming attention from MOC-Alliance and OpenInfra
Foundation publicity efforts.
So far I see these as possible questions folks might care about:
- Should we change the way the Red Hat logo appears?
- Such as grouping all the logos together and removing the
"possession of Red Hat" language?
- Making the logos all the same size implies this is more than a Red
Hat project, which is an explicit goal.
- We need better artwork for both logos, we are working on that.
- We should likely write an affiliate page, with sections about each
affiliation. For example, while an OS-Climate logo doesn't belong in the
footer of the website, it would belong on an "Affiliated Communities and
Organizations" page.
That's what I've got!
Kind regards,
- Karsten
Karsten Wade [he/him/his] | Principal Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen
The Open Source Way : https://theopensourceway.org
Operate First : https://operate-first.cloud
2 years, 6 months
New(ish) Docs WG (re)forming
by Karsten Wade
Hi all:
We are evolving one of the existing working groups to become the
Documentation Working Group (Docs WG). The new charter is proposed here for
discussion and decision:
The key change is we are now planning for the creation of a Documentation
SIG as a specific result of the working group. If you are interested in
documentation in any way and how it intersects within this project, this is
the WG discussion for you. Ideally, the people who plan the SIG are part of
starting up and running the new SIG.
The existing Contributor Experience Documentation Working Group (Contrib_X
Docs WG) had a clear mission despite a confusingly long name: improve the
experience of people who are new to the project's platforms, i.e. GitHub
w/GitOps, Mailman 3, etc.
This new WG is continuing that work, and you are invited to participate in
that work as a planner, content creator, or reviewer. That project board is
We will be spinning up a new project board to track the WG-to-SIG planning
process, and making that a separate workstream with it's own project board,
Slack channel, and meeting.
Kind regards,
- Karsten, a professional docs nerd
Karsten Wade [he/him/his] | Principal Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen
The Open Source Way : https://theopensourceway.org
Operate First : https://operate-first.cloud
2 years, 6 months
Operate First Data Science Community Meetup
by Aakanksha Duggal
Please join us for another Operate First Data Science Community Meetup on
Tuesday, August 9th, 2022 at 11:00 ET.
Want to learn how to accelerate your development of AI applications on the
hybrid cloud? In this meetup, we will have a hands-on Workshop on building
a simple AIOps tool from scratch on the Operate First cloud
<https://www.operate-first.cloud/> and learn how to move AI workloads to
the cloud by implementing an end-to-end ML tool by @Aakanksha Duggal
<aduggal(a)redhat.com> and @Surya Pathak <supathak(a)redhat.com> from the
Emerging Technologies Data Science Team.
In this hands-on learning process:
We will learn how to collect data from Github
Use jupyter notebooks to create a time-to-merge ML model that can
support development processes.
Visualize results on a Superset dashboard.
By the end of this meetup, you will have an idea of how to build a simple
AIOps tool on the cloud that can support your CI/CD processes. You will
learn how to get started, build data science tools, or onboard your
existing projects on the Operate First cloud.
*Prerequisites for the meetup * 1. Create Github Account - If you are
planning to attend and participate in this meetup, please create a Github
account if you don’t already *2. Add Github account to the sign-up
sheet - *Please
add your Github username here
<https://etherpad.opendev.org/p/workshop_scale_2022>. We will ensure that
you have access to all services on the Operate First cloud needed for the
Subscribe to our calendar
for event details.
To learn more about the Operate First Data Science Community, visit our
website <https://operate-first-data-science-community.catalog.meteor.zone/>
and find the agenda for the upcoming meetups here
We look forward to seeing you at the Meetup!
The Operate First Data Science Team Links:
1. Calendar Invite:
2. Topic suggestion:
3. Website:
4. Agenda:
5. Slack:
Mailing List:
7. Privacy Policy:
Thanks and Regards,
Aakanksha Duggal
Software Engineer
Red Hat Boston <https://www.redhat.com/>
Emerging Tech, Office of the CTO
2 years, 7 months