Operate First Data Science Community Meetup #17
by Aakanksha Duggal
Please join us for another *Operate First Data Science Community
Meetup *tomorrow
on Tuesday, *July 26th, 2022 at 11:00 ET. *
One of the first public faces of the Operate First project was the early
iterations of the Operate First Data Science Community Meetup, and it has
grown to be a popular and recognizable aspect of this community. Along the
way, it has had multiple hands in front of and behind the camera to curate
the meetup space. The managing, organizing, and running of the meetups is a
fairly well-understood process that can be run by one or two people, but
should it be run by one or two people? By scaling it beyond just one pair
of hands, a group of people who care about the meetup can help steward it
into the future, without the meetup being dependent on one person's
evolving job role.
Are you someone who cares about the Operate First Data Science Meetup? Can
you lend some voice to the value this meetup has for you? Would you want to
help make the meetup happen through a small time commitment and
collaboration with a group of meetup organizers?
Let's have an open discussion with Community SIG co-chair @Karsten Wade
<karsten.wade(a)redhat.com> about how we can scale the meetup process so more
of us can get the benefits of helping define and continue the Data Science
Meetup. Karsten will give a brief overview of the Operate First project and
how data science is central to the project's mission. He'll also talk about
the value of connection points like meetups, and how and why you can
participate in many ways to add to this meetup's success.
Subscribe to our calendar
event details.
To learn more about the Operate First Data Science Community, visit our
website <https://operate-first-data-science-community.catalog.meteor.zone/> and
find the agenda for the upcoming meetups here
We look forward to seeing you at the Meetup!
The Operate First Data Science Team
1. Calendar Invite:
2. Topic suggestion:
3. Website:
4. Agenda:
5. Slack:
Mailing List:
7. Privacy Policy:
Thanks and Regards,
Aakanksha Duggal
Software Engineer
Red Hat Boston <https://www.redhat.com/>
Emerging Tech, Office of the CTO
2 years, 7 months
Operate First Data Science Community Meetup #16
by Aakanksha Duggal
Please join us for another *Operate First Data Science Community Meetup *on
Tuesday, *July 12th, 2022 at 11:00 ET. *
In this session, @Ilya Kolchinsky <ikolchin(a)redhat.com> and @Adi Yehoshua
<ayehoshu(a)redhat.com> will present *Cloud Cost Optimizer (CCO)
*- a novel optimization engine for minimizing cloud (AWS, Azure, etc.)
costs for complex workloads (i.e., with up to hundreds/thousands of
applications and/or components).
The goal of CCO is to calculate the best possible assignment of tasks or
application components to cloud instances such that the total monetary cost
is minimized or at the very least does not exceed a predefined budget. To
that end, the engine periodically collects up-to-date resource prices and
statistics, then utilizes advanced algorithmic approaches and machine
learning to solve the optimization problem.
Subscribe to our calendar
event details.
To learn more about the Operate First Data Science Community, visit our
website <https://operate-first-data-science-community.catalog.meteor.zone/> and
find the agenda for the upcoming meetups here
We look forward to seeing you at the Meetup!
The Operate First Data Science Team
1. Calendar Invite:
2. Topic suggestion:
3. Website:
4. Agenda:
5. Slack:
Mailing List:
7. Privacy Policy:
Thanks and Regards,
Aakanksha Duggal
Software Engineer
Red Hat Boston <https://www.redhat.com/>
Emerging Tech, Office of the CTO
2 years, 7 months
Reminder: Contributor Experienced Docs WG meeting - 17:00 UTC Mondays
by Karsten Wade
One of the first working groups formed under the new governance is the
Contributor Experience Documentation WG.
Overwhelmingly, when people are surveyed about what makes them draw
toward or run away from an Open Source project, it is documentation at
the top of the list each time. Docs quality makes or breaks a project
for attracting users and contributors.
If you are interested in working on this problem for the Operate First
project, join us each Monday. If you cannot join the meeting, contact
myself or Thorsten on Slack or via email, and we will get you
connected into the working group.
Monday at 17:00 UTC / 19:00 CEST / 10:00 PDT
To join the video meeting, click this link:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 781-514-9610 and enter this PIN:
384 962 491#
To view more phone numbers, click this link:
Shared editing for meeting notes, login using your GitHub ID:
- Karsten
Karsten Wade [he/him/his] | Principal Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen
The Open Source Way : https://theopensourceway.org
Operate First : https://operate-first.cloud
2 years, 7 months
Join us in the plaza! - SIG Community meeting Thu 14 July 17:00 UTC
by Karsten Wade
All of you are invited to join the SIG Community meetings: it is one
of our core plazas, where you can participate or just watch and see
what is happening.
Every community needs a few places for real-time conversations, to
help with alignment and clarity.
Then we take that clarity back to our pull requests, blog posts, AIOps
projects, training materials, etc. where we discuss and decide Openly
in small groups.
Join us for the bi-weekly SIG Community call — talk about what you are
doing, what you need, and what you care about:
10:00 am PDT / 13:00 EDT / 17:00 UTC
To join the video meeting, click this link: https://meet.google.com/hkg-ufcs-vez
Shared note taking: https://hackmd.io/RmFqiyCASaKJyWdINuo8QQ
Calendar ID: operate.first.community(a)gmail.com
Use this URL to access this calendar from a web browser.:
Otherwise, to join by phone, dial +1 636-324-2589 and enter this PIN:
405 842 473#
To view more phone numbers, click this link: https://tel.meet/hkg-ufcs-vez?hs=5
Karsten Wade [he/him/his] | Principal Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen
The Open Source Way : https://theopensourceway.org
Operate First : https://operate-first.cloud
2 years, 8 months