New SIG Community forms two WGs: Website Updates WG and Contrib_X Docs WG
by Karsten Wade
In last week's SIG Community meeting we ratified our own charter,
meaning we became officially-official and could start doing things:
The reason I can't easily give you an link for
that is because we need to update the website information architecture
and content. So we formed the "Website Updates Working Group (WG)":
If you are interested in how the website is laid out,
writing/editing/reviewing content, and creating the templates and
processes used by SIGs, WGs, and subprojects, please join us. You can
note your interest in a comment to the tracking issue #134
Website Updates WG:
But to do any of this you need to understand how to contribute on
GitHub, which includes knowing or learning the answer to the question
of, "What is a 'git' and what is a 'hub'?" To work on the
documentation supporting the contributor ladder we formed the
"Contrib_X Docs WG":
If you want to help improve the onboarding experience for new users
and contributors, this WG is focusing on bringing people up the
ramp/ladder. We'll identify and reference existing external docs, and
we'll identify and fill gaps for docs within our own project. You can
note your interest in a comment to the tracking issue #131:
Contrib_X Docs WG:
You can find out more about SIG Community, including our charter and
meeting details, at this page:
Kind regards,
- Karsten, co-chair SIG Community
Karsten Wade [he/him/his] | Principal Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen
The Open Source Way :
Operate First :
2 years, 11 months
Kubecon choices
by Karsten Wade
Hi all,
tl:dnr — should we set our "Big Show and Tell" sights on Kubecon Detroit in
October so we can focus on Red Hat Summit in May without worrying about
Kubecon Valencia the week following?
What do you think?
Last October I proposed we set our sights on the two Kubecons this year as
key opportunities to show and tell about the Operate First project. The
Kubecon attendees are a very good audience for the messages and focuses of
our community: SRE, cloud operations, all-open source cloud based on
Kubernetes, GitOps, DevSecOps, AIOps, etc. etc.
But one is getting harder to achieve: Kubecon in Valencia, Spain 16 - 20
May. First is the risk of COVID, which hasn't gone down as much as we hoped
last October. So this affects overall attendance to the event, and
individual attendance where our organizations are paying for our travel and
deciding on that risk.
Second is competition for our attention just days before Kubecon in the
form of work being done for the Red Hat Summit on 10 - 11 May. The Operate
First project has more than one role to play for that event. In my opinion,
Red Hat Summit is just as good and possibly a more important audience than
Kubecon for the Operate First project.
While many Red Hatters who work in the Kubernetes community have the
experience of navigating back-to-back Summits/Kubecons, this is not
something our project has experienced and I suspect not many of us
individually as well. For our first big public year as a project, I
recommend we focus on overachieving fewer goals and avoid getting spread
too thin.
Let us know your thoughts and feelings, however they go.
Kind regards,
- Karsten
Karsten Wade [he/him/his] | Principal Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen
The Open Source Way :
Operate First :
3 years