Operate First Data Science Community Meetup #13
by Aakanksha Duggal
Hello all,
Please join us for another *Operate First Data Science Community Meetup *on
Tuesday, *May 31st, 2022 at 11:00 ET*.
In the age of cloud-native computing, Kubernetes has taken the world by
storm, forcing many of us to spend more time on Google than we should, just
to become YAML experts. This ends up being a time-consuming process, as
many of the YAMLs share a similar structure with differing values based on
the specifics of your deployment. *copilot-ops
<https://github.com/redhat-et/copilot-ops>* is a CLI tool which
supercharges your DevOps capabilities by allowing the user to specify what
needs to be created/changed, along with some files to provide context on
what values the resulting YAML should use.
In this session, @Oleg Silkin <osilkin(a)redhat.com> will show how to use
copilot-ops to supercharge their DevOps capabilities and quickly generate
or edit desired YAML files at a moment's notice. Attendees will also walk
away with a basic understanding of how Generative Pre-Trained Transformer 3
(GPT-3) can be used for code-generation tasks.
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find the agenda for the upcoming meetups here
We look forward to seeing you at the Meetup!
The Operate First Data Science Team
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Thanks and Regards,
Aakanksha Duggal
Software Engineer
Red Hat Boston <https://www.redhat.com/>
AI Center of Excellence
Office of the CTO
2 years, 8 months
Operate First Data Science Community Meetup #12
by Aakanksha Duggal
Hello all,
Please join us for another *Operate First Data Science Community Meetup *on
Tuesday, *May 17th, 2022 at 11:00 ET*.
As a Data Scientist, it is often difficult to know where to start your
project. Do I test and build my model in an IDE? How do I connect to my
resources such as streaming data or databases if I build and test my model
in an IDE? How can I optimize my model inference performance? Once I have
optimized my model how do I easily deploy and manage it? Plus what options
are available for me to deploy onPrem or in a Hybrid cloud environment?
In this talk, @Audrey Reznik <areznik(a)redhat.com> will discuss an easy way
to build, test, train and deploy high performant models using a variety of
platforms and tools created for OpenShift. The attendees will learn about
what Open Datahub is, Red Hat OpenShift Data Science, and Managed Services.
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To learn more about the Operate First Data Science Community, visit our
find the agenda for the upcoming meetups here
We look forward to seeing you at the Meetup!
The Operate First Data Science Team
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3. Website:
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7. Privacy Policy:
Thanks and Regards,
Aakanksha Duggal
Software Engineer
Red Hat Boston <https://www.redhat.com/>
AI Center of Excellence
Office of the CTO
2 years, 9 months
"Op1st" as formal short-hand for "the Operate First project"
by Karsten Wade
We've seen a number of short-hands for "Operate First" that are most
commonly used when referring to the project and community, and less often
for the Operate First concept.
Of all the options I've seen — OF, OPF, O1, Op1st — it is "Op1st" that is
most distinct and actually reflective of the brand as existing shorthands
for "operation/operate" and "first".
Here is where discussion so far has taken place, full backgrounder below:
What do you all think?
Are folks willing to shift to consistently using Op1st as the shorthand for
the "Operate First project and community"?
(The latter includes a corresponding agreement to use the stand-alone
"Operate First" to refer to the concept and initiative, saving "Op1st" for
everything about the actual Open Source project and activities.)
Kind regards,
- Karsten
Full backgrounder from this comment
"Where I am starting from is this problem statement:
Since it is important and a given that *Operate First* as a concept and an
overarching methodology MUST be neutral on technologies and methods for it
to be adopted by the ecosystem and have an effect ...
... how do we differentiate between that neutral concept and the specific
technologies and methods we adopt in this community without diluting the
meaning and brand of "Operate First"?
In other words, when we call anything/everything in this OpenShift and
GitOps/GitHub-using community "Operate First", we are *diluting our own
brand*. We are confusing the meaning of Operate First and making it harder
for ourselves to have the ecosystem-wide effect.
Yet, we are doing all this hard work for the intended effect of showing and
proving that the Operate First concept and methodology actually work in
practice, in the real world, with real workloads in a real production
environment. It is equally important we connect this community with the
Operate First brand and not dilute that brand.
So the goals are:
1. Connect with but don't dilute the Operate First brand,
2. Don't make our lives harder (for no good reason), and
3. Widen the tent of those who want to and can *operate first* by giving
them an "Operate First"-brand that can include them regardless of their
relationship to our specific community technologies and methods.
As a slight-rough analogy, look at the Fedora Project and community, and
their central output, Fedora Linux.
People use the word "Fedora" to mean any one of those, it's a common short
hand. But when you think about it, the brand is "Fedora" and the brand
being connected-with-but-not-diluted-by "Fedora" is the "Linux" brand.
In our situation, the "Operate First" brand is more analogous to "Linux"
than it is to "Fedora". And until we can get the Operate First brand to
have ecosystem reach the way the "upstream first" concept sort-of has, I
believe we are looking for the fine line of "close but not too close" in
branding for this community project.
The two just-close-enough ideas I've seen so far are:
1. "Op1st", spoken as "Op First"
2. "O1", spoken as "Oh One" (or "Oh First"?)
I wholeheartedly invite debate and other name ideas.
Two final thoughts;
- One of my mentors on branding @cdgrams <https://github.com/cdgrams> (or
was it Burney?) said, "A brand is a sponge." Since we get some say on the
cellular structure of that sponge and first crack at filling the sponge,
let's make it count.
- "Op1st" is a recursive pun, being the first operating community to run
itself under the Operate First concept.
Karsten Wade [he/him/his] | Principal Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen
The Open Source Way : https://theopensourceway.org
Operate First : https://operate-first.cloud
2 years, 10 months
New website going live Thursday
by Karsten Wade
Thanks to the fantastic design and technical work of Bryan Montalvan, we
are doing the final bits to go live with a new website this Thursday. Here
is the new design, with content and link fixes coming throughout the week:
In today's Websites Updates WG we came to a strong consensus that we are
ready to go live with this website, despite there being room for
improvement still. We are confident the new design will solve more problems
of the current site than it might create. We plan to continue fixing and
improving these changes during KubeCon, but are convinced what we can have
by Monday is more than good enough.
But this is overall a consensus-driven community, and if anyone out there
feels we are moving too quickly and this design is not looking good enough
by 16 May for KubeCon attendees, please let us know what your specific
objections are. And then be prepared to do some work this week to help us
meet that deadline.
Kind regards,
- Karsten
Karsten Wade [he/him/his] | Principal Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen
The Open Source Way : https://theopensourceway.org
Operate First : https://operate-first.cloud
2 years, 10 months
Operate First Data Science Community Meetup #11
by Aakanksha Duggal
Hello all,
Please join us for another *Operate First Data Science Community Meetup *on
Tuesday, *May 3rd, 2022 at 11:00 ET*. In this talk, @Surya Pathak
<supathak(a)redhat.com> will go over different hashing techniques used for
data obfuscation. A common scenario encountered by data scientists is
sharing confidential and sensitive data with others. A lot of data we
collect today can easily be linked to an individual, household, or entity.
What should we do when we need to share these data with others? One of the
methods to anonymize personal and confidential data is by using data
obfuscation techniques.
Data obfuscation is the process of replacing sensitive information with
data that looks like real production information, making it useless to
malicious actors. In addition to this, we will also go over the obfuscation
technique we used for obfuscating meetup attendees’ data.
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To learn more about the Operate First Data Science Community, visit our
find the agenda for the upcoming meetups here
We look forward to seeing you at the Meetup!
The Operate First Data Science Team
1. Calendar Invite:
2. Topic suggestion:
3. Website:
4. Agenda:
5. Slack:
Mailing List:
7. Privacy Policy:
Thanks and Regards,
Aakanksha Duggal
Software Engineer
Red Hat Boston <https://www.redhat.com/>
AI Center of Excellence
Office of the CTO
2 years, 10 months