Hi all:

We are evolving one of the existing working groups to become the Documentation Working Group (Docs WG). The new charter is proposed here for discussion and decision:


The key change is we are now planning for the creation of a Documentation SIG as a specific result of the working group. If you are interested in documentation in any way and how it intersects within this project, this is the WG discussion for you. Ideally, the people who plan the SIG are part of starting up and running the new SIG.

The existing Contributor Experience Documentation Working Group (Contrib_X Docs WG) had a clear mission despite a confusingly long name:  improve the experience of people who are new to the project's platforms, i.e. GitHub w/GitOps, Mailman 3, etc.

This new WG is continuing that work, and you are invited to participate in that work as a planner, content creator, or reviewer. That project board is here:


We will be spinning up a new project board to track the WG-to-SIG planning process, and making that a separate workstream with it's own project board, Slack channel, and meeting.

Kind regards,
- Karsten, a professional docs nerd
Karsten Wade [he/him/his] | Principal Community Architect | @quaid
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