Summary if you haven't heard about this:

We have space to run a workshop / beta training / UX testing / cool demos / etc. at SCaLE 19x in Pasadena, CA on either or both 03 & 04 March (Thu & Fri).

This is a chance for us to start to reveal things we've been working on in a friendly community environment where people are interested in new and cool as much as polish and poise. SCaLE has a strong focus on accessibility and inclusion, so it attracts a wide range of attendees and presentations from across the Los Angeles area and beyond.

Currently, Red Hat and California are clearing people for attending events of this size (under 5K) with vaccination+boosted requirements likely from the event. (The details on their website are not updated to that, so I am projecting my expectations of what will happen by March.)

I'm planning to attend and coordinate whatever we do; however many hands we have there is who we have. If we're creative, can we:

* Run beta SRE training?
* Get people hands on experienced with GitOps?
* Show some cool demos? (Pre-recorded or live from remote or ...)
* Get people hands on with data science tools?
  - Maybe a shared Open Data Hub workshop?
* What else?

Kind regards,
- Karsten
Karsten Wade [he/him/his] | Senior Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen
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