On Tue, Jan 18, 2022 at 11:24 AM Daitzman, Michael S <msd@bu.edu> wrote:

It is too easy to miss email and I am, regrettably, very calendar driven.


What do others think?  Is there some way to automate this?

I'm with you 100% but didn't think ahead on this one.

While I'm sure we can maintain our own calendar with an .ical output, I registered  operate.first.community@gmail.com last year because I've been down the road before of how you need a non-work Google account for effective open collaboration.

So I have recreated the meeting invite but coming from operate.first.community@gmail.com, and that can get us going.


From here we'll need something that scales better for various SIGs, but this will work for the moment. Everyone who was invited to the former one now has an invite to this meeting. Anyone else can use the above link to put the event on their own calendar.

Does this help for now? I do think this is a worthy thing to address across the project, and I bet we don't need to reinvent that wheel.

- Karsten