Hello all,

Please join us for another Operate First>> community cloud fortnightly meet-up. >>op1.st/meetup

>>Next meeting is !!! TODAY !!! Tuesday, March 21st, 2023 at 11:00 ET on google meet >>op1.st/meetup-gmeet

Backstage and janus-idp
🔗op1.st/meetup & 🔗okd streams

with Tom Coufal
talking about
Backstage and Janus
see also >>youtube.com/@januscommunity

You can find previous presentations and recordings of the meetings on our youtube channel. Please don't hesitate to reach out to us with any questions or suggestions you may have regarding this or future meet-ups.

The Operate First CommunityTeam

PS: While waiting, sign up for our mailing list or follow us on YouTube.


>>Would you like to see a topic in the meet-up? Or do you have a presentation or insights you would like to share in our meet-up? Great, let us know! Please open an issue or use our survey.