Hi folks,

If you are curious about what happened with Operate First community
members at KubeCon EU, check out my trip report:


Highlights/overview (with links right to that part of the post):
  1. Tom Coufal gave a talk at KubeCon and OpenShift Commons to a full house, impressing them with clever and valuable Kubernetes rule-hacking anti-patterns.
  2. Where KubeCon LA 2021 was fact-finding and intel-gathering, this was a soft-launch of the Operate First project to the cloud native community.
  3. Met with OKD and Cluster API maintainers and members of the OKD working group to discuss bringing up clusters in community cloud running on Fedora CoreOS to create a build environment for OKD on FCOS releases.
  4. Scoped k8s SRE game Kombat by Hilliary Lipsig, Principal SRE for OpenShift.
  5. Discussed "Open Operations" as Fifth Open with folks. Relationship building for Operate First hard launch at KubeCon Detroit 2022, including with OpenShift Commons and OKD community leads, CNCF event organizers, and Kubernetes community leaders.
  6. Discussions with Red Hatters causing these thoughts: How can we make Operate First useful and attractive to Hatters who want to increase their presence in the Open Source ecosystem? E.g. to increase role diversity, to increase and scale the influence of individuals and the organization, provide career development opportunities, and so forth.
Kind regards,
- Karsten
Karsten Wade [he/him/his] | Principal Community Architect | @quaid
Red Hat Open Source Program Office (OSPO) : @redhatopen
The Open Source Way : https://theopensourceway.org
Operate First : https://operate-first.cloud