Please join us for another Operate First Data Science Community Meetup on Tuesday, August 9th, 2022 at 11:00 ET.  

Want to learn how to accelerate your development of AI applications on the hybrid cloud? In this meetup, we will have a hands-on Workshop on building a simple AIOps tool from scratch on the Operate First cloud and learn how to move AI workloads to the cloud by implementing an end-to-end ML tool by @Aakanksha Duggal and @Surya Pathak from the Emerging Technologies Data Science Team.


In this hands-on learning process:

  • We will learn how to collect data from Github 

  • Use jupyter notebooks to create a time-to-merge ML model that can support development processes.

  • Visualize results on a Superset dashboard.


By the end of this meetup, you will have an idea of how to build a simple AIOps tool on the cloud that can support your CI/CD processes. You will learn how to get started, build data science tools, or onboard your existing projects on the Operate First cloud.

Prerequisites for the meetup 1. Create Github Account - If you are planning to attend and participate in this meetup, please create a Github account if you don’t already 2. Add Github account to the sign-up sheet - Please add your Github username here. We will ensure that you have access to all services on the Operate First cloud needed for the workshop. 


Subscribe to our calendar for event details.


To learn more about the Operate First Data Science Community, visit our website and find the agenda for the upcoming meetups here.


We look forward to seeing you at the Meetup!



The Operate First Data Science Team Links:

1. Calendar Invite:
2. Topic suggestion:
3. Website:
4. Agenda:
5. Slack: 6. Mailing List: 
7. Privacy Policy:


Thanks and Regards,

Aakanksha Duggal


Software Engineer

Red Hat Boston

Emerging Tech, Office of the CTO