Hello all,

Thanks to everyone who attended our Operate First Data Science Meetup earlier this week. It was great to see all the folks interested in learning more and contributing to the current state of AI operations and cloud infrastructure in an open way. 

If you were unable to attend, you can find a recording of the meeting on our youtube channel. feel free to contact us with any questions or suggestions you may have regarding this or future meetups.

In this meetup, Francesco Murdaca discussed how to create and share reproducible notebooks with jupyterlab-requirements available on Open Data Hub images.

We look forward to seeing you at the next Meetup!


The Operate First Data Science Team


Links :

1. Calendar Invite: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/2?cid=N3QyMm1ydm92amNmdTZqZm5ucDRuMmtkZTRAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ

2. Topic suggestion: https://github.com/aicoe-aiops/cloud-first-data-science-community/issues/new/choose

3. Website: https://www.operate-first.cloud/data-science/operate-first-data-science-community/docs/meetup-landing-page.md

4. Agenda: https://www.operate-first.cloud/data-science/operate-first-data-science-community/docs/content.md

5. Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/operatefirst/shared_invite/zt-o2gn4wn8-O39g7sthTAuPCvaCNRnLww 

6. Mailing List: https://lists.operate-first.cloud/admin/lists/community.lists.operate-first.cloud/

Thanks and Regards,

Aakanksha Duggal


Software Engineer

Red Hat Boston

AI Center of Excellence

Office of the CTO
