Hello Operate First community,

You're invited to join AI For Cloud Ops community meeting on Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023 at 10:00am EDT (members in other timezones, click here). 

In this week's meeting, we will have a major update on "PrvTel: privacy-preserving for network telemetry systems". I will give a summary of the project progress. Our undergrads on the team will present how we compared with the GAN model and the Kubeflow deployment as an ML service.

We look forward to hearing your feedback. Please use the following info to join the meeting.

Join Meeting: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/98113583702?pwd=akQ3c3lKOG1NZ2tNRFFUSlNGRXhCQT09
Meeting ID: 981 1358 3702
Passcode: 293281
To join via phone, find your local call-in number here: https://bostonu.zoom.us/u/adKRa4gjSM

If you can't make it tomorrow, no worries; we'll post a recording on the agenda doc and hold one of these meetings on the first Wednesday of each month at 10am U.S. Eastern. Hope to see you there!

Lesley Zhou