Hello all,

Please join us for another Operate First Data Science Community Meetup on Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022 at 11:00 ET.  In this talk, @Surya Pathak will go over different hashing techniques used for data obfuscation. A common scenario encountered by data scientists is sharing confidential and sensitive data with others. A lot of data we collect today can easily be linked to an individual, household, or entity. What should we do when we need to share these data with others? One of the methods to anonymize personal and confidential data is by using data obfuscation techniques.

Data obfuscation is the process of replacing sensitive information with data that looks like real production information, making it useless to malicious actors. In addition to this, we will also go over the obfuscation technique we used for obfuscating meetup attendees’ data.

Subscribe to our calendar for event details.
To learn more about the Operate First Data Science Community, visit our website and find the agenda for the upcoming meetups here.
We look forward to seeing you at the Meetup!
The Operate First Data Science Team

1. Calendar Invite: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/2?cid=N3QyMm1ydm92amNmdTZqZm5ucDRuMmtkZTRAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ
2. Topic suggestion: https://github.com/aicoe-aiops/cloud-first-data-science-community/issues/new/choose
3. Website: https://www.operate-first.cloud/data-science/operate-first-data-science-community/docs/meetup-landing-page.md
4. Agenda: https://www.operate-first.cloud/data-science/operate-first-data-science-community/docs/content.md
5. Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/operatefirst/shared_invite/zt-o2gn4wn8-O39g7sthTAuPCvaCNRnLww 6. Mailing List: https://lists.operate-first.cloud/admin/lists/community.lists.operate-first.cloud/ 
7. Privacy Policy: https://www.operate-first.cloud/data-science/operate-first-data-science-community/docs/privacy-policy.md

Thanks and Regards,

Aakanksha Duggal


Software Engineer

Red Hat Boston

AI Center of Excellence

Office of the CTO
