Hello All,

Please join us for another Operate First Data Science Community Meetup this Tuesday, December 14th at 11:00 ET. Learn about the existing open data science platform managed by the Operate First team, and how you can package your own data science content into container images using a simple CI tool, aicoe-ci, and share it as a reproducible data science development environment on JupyterHub.  


Subscribe to our calendar for event details.


To learn more about the Operate First Data Science Community, visit our website and find the agenda for the upcoming meetups here.

We look forward to seeing you at the Meetup!


The Operate First Data Science Team


Links :


1. Calendar Invite: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/2?cid=N3QyMm1ydm92amNmdTZqZm5ucDRuMmtkZTRAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ

2. Topic suggestion: https://github.com/aicoe-aiops/cloud-first-data-science-community/issues/new/choose

3. Website: https://www.operate-first.cloud/data-science/operate-first-data-science-community/docs/meetup-landing-page.md

4. Agenda: https://www.operate-first.cloud/data-science/operate-first-data-science-community/docs/content.md

5. Slack: https://join.slack.com/t/operatefirst/shared_invite/zt-o2gn4wn8-O39g7sthTAuPCvaCNRnLww 

6. Mailing List: https://lists.operate-first.cloud/admin/lists/community.lists.operate-first.cloud/

Michael Clifford
AI Center of Excellence - Office of the CTO.
Red Hat, Inc.