Hello Operate First community,

You're invited to join tomorrow's community meeting for the AI For Cloud Ops on Wednesday, August 3rd, 2022 at 10:00am EDT (members in other timezones, click here). 

We'll introduce our "learning-based technique to detect vulnerabilities in Python source code in real-time" project. And will update a closely related work on the "telemetry privacy" project. We look forward to hearing your feedback. Please use the following info to join the meeting.

Join Meeting: https://bostonu.zoom.us/j/98113583702?pwd=akQ3c3lKOG1NZ2tNRFFUSlNGRXhCQT09
Meeting ID: 981 1358 3702
Passcode: 293281
To join via phone, find your local call-in number here: https://bostonu.zoom.us/u/adKRa4gjSM

If you can't make it tomorrow, no worries; we'll post a recording on the agenda doc, and we'll hold one of these meetings on the first Wednesday of each month at 10am U.S. Eastern. Hope to see you there!

Lesley Zhou